The greatest Human Resource of all time are the youth. It is a great resource becuase it is able to learn an
d implement. Many people think youths can not lead themselves but that is ridiculous and need to be thrown out dead and buried. Though some youths seem or are caught in failure to lead themselves does not mean all youths. And this might be attributed to a lot of factors that included a frastrating community and lack of role models of the elderly generation. In the quest to build up a youth community that will have role model within themselves and later become role model at older level to the young ones then, is helping Youth organizations such as Zambia Association For Youths In Schools (ZAYS). The organization which has been in existance now for 6 years or let me say 7 years yet has been suppressed and frastruated by irresponsible elderly persons who should have approved or helped in allowing it to fully operate. Thank God this youth NGO have climimbed mountains and being associated with them is a great honour in my life and we are heading in the right direction. After a successful project funded by CRAIDS (see it stimulated such initiative like the opening of a branch among other in Kafue Estates a place that has more females and mostly youths. The intention of open a branch is to build an Institution that will empower young people with skills for life. Young People that are action oriented need great support from all sectors if this country is to rise to the the height of gaints!!!!!!!Who among many is willing to help such a noble cause? The challange is to them that are privalleged to help partnering for development!!!!!!!!!!!!

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