By Rodney Katongo
I have always wondered why we have many people including the young concetrate on fighting the sm
oke and not he fire. Clauded with excitement of a day while sleep with hunger is to a fool greatness. Budgets increase and get drunk with harmful substance called liquor of all kinds in the name of celebrating Independence. The politicians and the government pull their heads with pride yet are eaten up with dependence in a lot of things. Even when it is said Political Independence the politicians are ruled by selfish externational power. While we see the second colonization coming, many are busy celebrating what the don't even understand. While celebrating Independence is not a problem but what is being celebrated for and why our forefather fought for it? I it worthy? If what they fought for has been forefited by the way thing are now then it is not worth celebrating and i believe even when the are rised to see, would not celebrate but begin the fight of independence again. There is no true independence when there is too much dependance.

The eve of independence and on the actual day will see a lot of young people infected with HIV, and others beaten to death, others take themselves to the early grave by drinking them selves to death. It is a pit that business will have to stop for a while just to enrich the foreign harmful substance imported (alcohol) and still be proud for nothing. And the day ends, then hunger and no employment surfaces again. While the opportunities are seen i pray even this day should create a job that is sustainable then i think independence celebration is worthy it. I would be stupid to hold on to the things that will make me a step behind. When the goverment spend a lot on a day and failure to do the same for a period of time in developing or empowering the youth with wealth for sustainability then the celebration are not worthy it and it is full of idioticity. I would rather stay away from it and concetrate building a business that will truly liberate me from poverty of this country. Enjoy for a day, affect a life for life, is retrograssive and nonsense! While i give credit to our freedom fighters, the question lingers, Is this what they fought for? Poverty, Unemployment, Economic slavery by the international funders or money suckers, Diseases? I dont know but i feel the fought a good fight to be better than them but today, where there was a road remains a name. Community infrustructes, instead of improving are detoriating. This Independence of nonsense!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting blog. I'll add you my link.
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